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Tapoiak biltzeko bi edukiontzi jarri ditu Zallak // Zalla instala dos contenedores para la recogida solidaria de tapones


El Ayuntamiento de Zalla, a través del área de Medio Ambiente, ha instalado dos contenedores para la recogida solidaria de tapones. Uno de los citados contenedores se ha colocado en el cruce entre "La Costanilla" y la urbanización Tepeyac, en el núcleo de Mimetiz, y el otro en la plaza Autonomía de Aranguren.

Los tapones recogidos en estas estructuras de metal en forma de corazón, además de perseguir el fomento del reciclaje, tendrán un fin solidario. En este caso, serán gestionados por la asociación en Defensa de los Animales Asoaya Elkartea, que con el dinero recaudo podrá desarrollar proyectos en beneficio de la agrupación animalista. Según indican fuentes municipales, ahora es Asoaya quien lo va a gestionar pero a futuro se contempla la posibilidad de que pueda ser otra asociación quien se encargue.

3 comentarios:

  1. The caps collected in these heart-shaped metal structures will serve a charity purpose in addition to promoting recycling. In this scenario, they will be maintained by the Asoaya Elkartea Animal Defense Association, which will be able to establish projects to assist the animal rights group using the funds raised."Thank you for sharing your knowledge! Keep up the good job! Continue to spread the word. Please take a peek at my website.
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  2. The article discusses Zalla's initiative to collect bottle caps for recycling and supporting charitable causes. It suggests minor improvements, such as clearer sentence structure, consistent location descriptions, expanding on Asoaya Elkartea's role in animal rights, and highlighting the possibility of other associations managing the initiative. Virginia premises liability attorney Lawyers are bound by a code of ethics that requires them to maintain confidentiality, represent their clients to the best of their ability, and avoid conflicts of interest.

  3. In addition to encouraging recycling, the caps gathered in these heart-shaped metal structures will be donated to a worthy cause. The Asoaya Elkartea Animal Defense Association will be in charge of maintaining them in this case, and with the money it raises, it will be able to start projects that will help the animal rights organization."I appreciate you sharing your expertise! Keep up the fantastic work! Keep spreading the word. Check out my website, please.
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